
You Won't Believe The Insane Coincidences In These 15 Photos Actually Happened !!


You Won't Believe The Insane Coincidences In These 15 Photos Actually Happened

credit by :viralnova.com

Have you at any point experienced something that was too oddly unplanned to be valid? 

I'm talking one-in-a-million events that are so uncommon and consummately planned that it's hard to acknowledge they just occurred by shot. The kind that influences you to ponder whether there's a more noteworthy power out there that gets everything going on purpose. 

These individuals know precisely what I mean, despite everything they're experiencing serious difficulties trusting that what they saw was genuine. Regardless of whether they're quite recently arbitrary occasions or expedited by destiny, the 21 incidents they saw were really unbelievable sights to observe.

1. Two collided bullets from the Battle of Gallipoli, 1915-16.

 picture by : viralnova.com

2.The People You May Know section of Facebook put up these pictures that align perfectly with unrelated people.

 picture by : viralnova.com

3.  A dragon fly landed on my friend's foot and mirrored its own tattoo .

picture by : viralnova.com

4. Dog gave birth to three puppies, each with their own corresponding number on their back.

picture by : viralnova.com

5. My blind son found a four leaf clover on his own. What are the odds?

picture by : viralnova.com

              6. Right place, right time  

picture by : viralnova.com

7. Butterfly bro lands on his own picture
picture by : viralnova.com

8. Talk about terrible timing.

                                     picture by : viralnova.com
9.  Brother spent a year trying to get a lightning photo. He caught this last night, I just noticed the boat in the bottom left.
                            picture by : viralnova.com

10. My friend just got this once in a lifetime picture.
picture by : viralnova.com

11. Managed to catch this balloon popping on my phone
picture by : viralnova.com

12. This bird landed on the page about itself
picture by : viralnova.com

13. Look what you made these semis do

picture by : viralnova.com

14.Hometown zip code, t-shirt, race number, finishing time -- all 33607.
picture by : viralnova.com

15.Twenty years ago I went to an air show with my Grandpa and Uncle. One of the aircrafts I sat in was the OH58 Kiowa.
picture by : viralnova.com

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